How are PTFE Control Valves Beneficial?

RK Control Instruments Pvt Ltd > Blog > control valve > How are PTFE Control Valves Beneficial?

PTFE control valve, abbreviated to Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene, is a corrosion resistant material used to handle corrosive fluids like acids, caustic soda, chlorine, etc.

R.K. Control Instruments offer a high-quality S10 PTFE control valve designed to withstand the highly corrosive fluids in the chemical, fertilizers, and pharmaceutical industries. This product has been developed to cater to the process where corrosive liquids are involved, and the cost of exotic metals is prohibited. PTFE is inert tomost corrosive fluids.

What are the applications of PTFE control valves?

The PTFE control valve is ideal in industries like chemicals, fertilizers, and even pharmaceuticals. It is helpful for high and low P.H. chemistries, typically strong acids or chemical blends.

What are the advantages of PTFE?

The main advantage of the PTFE control valve is that it is ideal for highly corrosive applications. It is virtually impervious to corrosion.

Many chemical industries have witnessed unforeseen accidents; to sort or avoid such re-occurrence, the PTFE control valve is used. Therefore, using these reliable materials as wetted parts of control valve will ensure the smooth working of the industrial plant. Thus, hazards can be avoided. To sum it up, you will get superior quality of PTFE control valves when dealing with manufacturing leaders like R.K. Control Instruments, who are very dependable in the industry.

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